Using Microsoft Project, managers are easily able to analyze resources, check budgets, evaluate timelines, measure progress, and anticipate resource needs. In addition to assisting project managers, Microsoft Project also enables team members to manage tasks, collaborate, submit time sheets, and flag issues and risks. Moreover, it helps executives to define business drivers, measure strategic impact of competing ideas, make funding decisions, and view project and resources status.
We aim to make participants understand how to use the Microsoft® Project from a Project Manager's perspective to become more productive at work and manage projects better.
Companies across industry verticals are looking for formally trained/certified Microsoft® Project staff for Planning, Monitoring, and Control of projects. Experienced Trainers, Module wise Hands-On Exercises, Quality Deliverables, Query Handling Facility over Email, Whatsapp, TeamViewer, Zoom for Dedicated Post Training Support.
As a Project Management consultant I understand how best Microsoft® Project Training would help you and as such, provide you multiple training modes like Classroom and LIVE-Learning to prepare for Microsoft® Project Certification/Competency Development Training Program.
This module explains how to identify the components of a project and map a project. It also explains the sample projects used throughout this course.
LessonsThis module explains how to get around in Microsoft Project 2016.
LessonsThis module explains how to work with Calendars in Microsoft Outlook 2016.
LessonsAfter completing this module, students will be able to:
This module explains how to work with tasks in Microsoft Outlook 2016.
LessonsThis module explains how to create and work with resources.
LessonsAfter completing this module, students will be able to:
This module explains how to manage a project using Microsoft Project 2016.
LessonsAfter completing this module, students will be able to: